

Christian David Sigg

The climate crisis is one of the great challenges of our time. I want to contribute to finding answers, and work at the Swiss Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology as a scientist and engineer. I build machine learning models for the statistical analysis of measurements and observations, see my research page for more information.

Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss

A different set of challenges is created by the digital transformation of society, which can both support and threaten our fundamental rights. I want to see technology in the service of humanity, and joined the Digital Society as a member of the working group on automated decision making systems.

Digitale Gesellschaft

Since completing my didactics in computer science education, I contribute technical support for SwissEduc, which provides teaching material for secondary schools and is one of the largest education servers in the German speaking countries.


You can reach me at christian@sigg-iten.ch. The fingerprint of my OpenPGP key is EE7F D06C A905 0AF6 F57C AF7A 50B1 C7E7 94D4 D949.